Cybersecurity Roadmap: Prepare for Compliance - Creating a Compliance Scheme and Determining Your Obligations
In the second webinar of our cybersecurity series, John Costello and Kurt Hunt guide you through Step 1 of the Cybersecurity Roadmap, helping you prepare for complex compliance challenges by tapping into two of your organization's most valuable resources: people and data.
First you'll learn how to develop a broad compliance strategy and build an internal "cyber team" to implement it, ensuring that your business reacts quickly to change, manages liabilities and takes advantage of new opportunities. Then, John and Kurt show you how to understand what data your business has and "data map" your current process of handling and transferring sensitive information to pinpoint risk hotspots.
This first step helps you identify two critical issues: who is in charge of your organization's cybersecurity, and what are the key risks your organization faces? Your answers will be the foundation for developing a strong cybersecurity defense strategy (or improving your existing strategy).