Telemedicine: New Trends & Developments

May 5, 2016

Download presentation and materials here

The push to improve patient care comes with advances in technology. As with many new technologies, advancements sometimes leave us with more questions than answers. We've developed this series to help you stay up-to-date and compliant.

In this 60-minute presentation, you'll learn about the newest technology and developments in telemedicine and what to watch for in the future. Included are the following:

  • The basics: define telemedicine, differentiate it from telehealth, and discuss its current usage;
  • The standard of care delivered with telemedicine and transfer of patient records;
  • Analysis of expansion areas and hurdles limiting growth, including payment and coverage for series, as well as complex and varying state licensure systems; and
  • The legislative and regulatory outlook.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to hear from our knowledgeable health care attorneys.