Won Annulment of a Multi-Million Dollar International Arbitration Award under UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules
Client: Latin American public company
Francisco Victoria-Andreu successfully defended a public company of a Latin American state in a multi-year ad-hoc arbitration before a distinguished arbitral panel under UNCITRAL arbitration rules against a British company. The dispute ($1.2 billion) arose in the context of a mining project. Francisco obtained the annulment of the international arbitral award before the French Supreme Court (Cour de Cassation). See Cour d’appel [CA] Paris, pole 1, ch. 1, 25 Mars. 2010, case no. 08/23901 and Cass Civ 1ère, 29 juin 2011, (2011) Bull civ I, no 10-23.321.