$79 million County of Hamilton, Ohio Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds

We served as underwriter’s counsel to our client, RBC Capital Markets, in connection with the issuance of tax-exempt revenue bonds for UC Health by the County of Hamilton, Ohio. UC Health operates the 726-licensed bed University of Cincinnati Medical Center, the 188-licensed bed West Chester Hospital, the Daniel Drake Center for Post-Acute Care, which is a specialized medical and rehabilitative care hospital, and other related facilities and services.

The proceeds of the bonds were used to (a) finance the acquisition of the 835 parking garage, (b) finance the expansion, upgrade and modernization of the emergency department at University of Cincinnati Medical Center and (c) refund all of the Issuer’s outstanding Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 2001C (University Hospital, Inc.). The bonds were secured by an obligation issued under the Master Trust Indenture.