Allison L. Goico

Blind Spots Employers Can't Afford

June 9, 2016 at 11:00am12:00pm

Download presentation and materials here

Dramatic changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act will soon impact millions of workers and present significant challenges for business owners. In the wake of new and modified compliance requirements, employers may find that they have underestimated the scale of the transformation these regulations will require, the scope of the critical decisions that they may have to make, and - most importantly - the amount of time it may take to implement cost-efficient solutions.

In this webinar, our Labor and Employment attorneys will show you how to prepare your business now to weather an emerging storm of complex salary regulations later.

You’ll leave with: 

  • A comprehensive update of the anticipated modifications and an understanding of what they mean for you as an employer 
  • Proactive methods to avoid increased labor costs 
  • Best practices for managing the business impact of these regulations, including focused compliance implementation and all-important employee communication strategies