West Virginia Education Personnel Workshop Series

October 4, 2018 at 1:00pm4:00pm (EDT)

611 Third Avenue

Huntington, WV  25701

Please join Dinsmore attorneys Jason Long, Jacob Manning and Denise Spatafore at one of Dinsmore's West Virginia offices for a complementary workshop from 1-4 p.m. 

These workshop will be beneficial to new employees dealing with personnel, and a refresher for those who have been involved with the hiring of personnel. We would also welcome individual board members to participate so they can better understand the hiring process. 

Update: the WVSBA will award 3-hours of CLE credit to board members.

Professional Personnel 101 (W. Va. Code 18A-4-7a and WVDE 5000)
               - Hiring of classroom teachers
               - Hiring of building administrators
               - Hiring of central office administrators
   Service Personnel 101 (W. Va. Code 18A-4-8b)
               - Hiring of service personnel
               - Multi-classification issues
               - Extracurricular and extra-duty discussion
               - Substitutes
               - Hiring of coaches
               - RIFs/Transfers
               - Summer employment