Dinsmore’s commitment to inclusion continues with the launch of the firm’s LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning or Queer) Affinity Group. The group supports Dinsmore’s broader mission to create an environment where all people are valued, included and empowered to succeed, while also spreading awareness of LGBTQ issues and opportunities for involvement to the firm’s LGBTQ community and their allies. The group hit the ground running with brainstorming sessions to develop a clear and specific mission – an effort the firm’s leadership enthusiastically endorses and supports.
“The mission of the Dinsmore LGBTQ Affinity Group is for individuals of such orientation and their allies to have a place where they can gather for intellectual, social and professional discussion to encourage even greater diversity at Dinsmore, as well as the communities Dinsmore serves,” says John Selent, a coordinator of the group. Selent is a partner and member of the firm’s Board of Directors.
The group meets monthly to support one another, discuss issues in the community, and address and strategize ways to encourage an awareness of LGBTQ issues within the firm. “One of the things we have already discussed, with the help of the firm’s Diversity Committee, is for our group to have input into Dinsmore’s diversity and inclusion programs and presentations. We want to present a clear and concise message that speaks to our goal to move the diversity needle significantly forward for all of us,” Selent explained.
Many Dinsmore offices already support LGBTQ initiatives, and this group bridges those efforts to promote a nationwide, collaborate environment among Dinsmore’s LGBTQ attorneys, staff and their allies. In addition to the firm’s other diversity events, the group intends to plan, attend and organize new events to support the LGBTQ community. For instance, members will join recruiters from more than 100 other firms and other legal employers at the Lavender Law Conference & Career Fair, an event hosted by the National LGBT Bar Association.
Dinsmore’s commitment to diversity and inclusion is a fundamental component of the firm’s mission. By creating a safe, welcoming environment for LGBTQ attorneys, staff and their allies, the firm follows through on its commitment to provide diverse perspectives to accomplish more both inside the firm and for our clients. The group is another step toward ensuring Dinsmore is a leader in the legal industry and is an excellent place of employment for those looking to make a difference.