Bankruptcy Basics Webinar Series

October 17, 2018 at 12:00pm1:00pm (EDT)

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This webinar is appropriate for a novice or intermediary banker and/or servicer in a Chapter 13 consumer bankruptcy. In Chapter 13 Basics, we will (1) walk through a model Chapter 13 plan and discuss concepts and provisions common to a Chapter 13 and how these provisions can impact the contractual rights of a creditor; (2) we will discuss possible treatment of secured creditors under the plan and ways a secured creditor can react to protect its interest; (3) we will discuss reasons for and instances where a creditor should object to confirmation of the plan; (4) we will explain the implications for failure to object to the plan; (5) we will explain the practical impact of confirmation of the plan; (6) we will discuss how to respond to the debtor’s failure to make the required plan payments; and (7) we will discuss the effects of a discharge. This webinar will focus on issues important to secured and unsecured creditors.