Settlement saves client money
A workers' compensation claim can represent an albatross for an employer, as claims can carry a significant financial strain decades after the actual injury. The annual costs of a claim can become staggering as the years roll by. These claims can become even more of an albatross when Medicare coverage issues occur.
The Center for Medicare Services often requires an approved Medicare Set Aside, which are usually extremely high dollar values. However, a high-dollar claim with a large set-aside requirement does not mean that the claim cannot be beneficially resolved for both parties, as long as creative approaches are utilized.
A decade-old claim was costing our client, a grocery retailer, significant dollars in medical costs, and the Center for Medicare Services demanded a high-dollar set-aside. A strategy was formulated to have the costly medications eliminated through the administrative process, which significantly lowered the required set-aside. Once the set-aside was reduced, we were able to negotiate a settlement that although still a high-dollar value, saved the employer tens of thousands of dollars a year.