R. Kenyon Meyer

Kenyon Meyer Talks to Louisville Business First About Dinsmore's Commitment to a Vibrant Downtown

November 28, 2022Quotes & Mentions
Louisville Business First

Kenyon Meyer, the managing partner in Dinsmore's Louisville office, recently sat down with Louisville Business First to talk about the firm’s decision to renovate office space in the PNC Tower during the pandemic. An excerpt is below: 

"One of our core duties as lawyers is to make our community a better place, but in order for this community to thrive, you have to have a vibrant Downtown," said Meyer. 

"I think it's part of the culture," Meyer said regarding the collaborative spaces. "The importance of it was reinforced during the pandemic, but in order to train lawyers, in order to provide the best legal service you can to your clients, you have to collaborate with your colleagues."

Beyond the office renovations, Meyer said the firm remains focused on excellent client service and continuing to support the community, including offering pro-bono legal services. “The firm is focused on lateral, organic growth, as opposed to charting target numbers of adding lawyers or clients,” Meyer said.

Read the entire article here.