MAAG Testimonials
January 3, 2020 – News Releases

The Minority Attorney Affinity Group (MAAG) held a brunch for its members the weekend of the firm-wide Dinsmore Day meeting. The event, organized by MAAG co-chairs Govinda Davis, Ritu Singh, and Reginald Staples provided an opportunity for members to network and welcome new attorneys into the firm and MAAG.
Read more from attorneys who attended the event, as well as their perspective on the importance of groups like MAAG at the firm and in the legal community.
“The brunch was a successful event, and seeing such a diverse group of professionals occupying the same space building relationships through an exchange of active listening and learning was quite encouraging. Groups like MAAG are an essential ingredient of the firm’s inclusive culture. MAAG provides a platform for diverse attorneys with myriad common interests to deepen belongingness and engagement by sharing experiences, working towards common goals, and providing professional support to one another. MAAG also serves as a resource for the firm, as members provide insights into their professional experiences. Partners can use this knowledge to assess structural and cultural opportunities for the firm while also assisting associates in crafting a road map to their individual and collective success. Also, affinity groups like MAAG continue the dialogue around the importance of equity and inclusion, and I’m excited to be a member of both MAAG and the firm.” J.T. Wilson, Partner, Chicago, IL

“I was impressed with the event, and it was heartwarming to have a group of diverse attorneys together supporting each other. A group like MAAG gives diverse attorneys a voice at the firm, and the group dynamics are relative to the fact that it does not matter where you are from because your background strengthens the firm. I will continue to do what I can to push the needle forward and ignite change within the firm and the legal profession in general.” Jessica Chang, Associate, Chicago, IL

“I found the MAAG brunch gathering meaningful and important in multiple ways. First, just bringing together attorneys of African American, as well as international and other backgrounds, to break bread and celebrate our accomplishments and potential was inspiring. Second, it brought strength to feel one another’s mutual support. Third, and perhaps most important, was the sense that MAAG’s aim goes beyond simply 'making us feel comfortable at Dinsmore.' Rather, it’s part of an extraordinarily difficult and crucially important transformative effort—a movement to change the legal profession, and the culture of the firm as a significant part of that profession, in ways that are just and equitable at the individual level and will ultimately benefit the firm, the profession, our community, and the broader society.” Pablo Davis, Of Counsel, Cincinnati, OH
“I thought the event was a huge success, and I think it was an excellent opportunity to interact with several minority attorneys in one place. The existence of MAAG and other affinity groups are important because you get to see yourself represented at the firm and, no matter where you are located in your career trajectory, it benefits all of us to be part of this group.” Sunni Harris, Associate, Washington, DC
“MAAG is a tremendous resource for Dinsmore’s minority attorneys – it’s a community of colleagues who can be a sounding board and offer perspective that might not be available elsewhere. The support and encouragement from MAAG members (and in particular the LGBTQ Affinity Group) has been a highlight of my time at Dinsmore. Events like the MAAG brunch, in connection with the firm-wide Dinsmore Day activities, provide a great chance to connect with Dinsmore colleagues around the nation, get to know the firm better, and find support from people most likely to understand the challenges you face in the practice of law.” Andy Gammill, Associate, Columbus, OH
“The MAAG brunch has been my favorite event since joining Dinsmore this year. I especially enjoyed meeting so many diverse attorneys from other offices who were in town for Dinsmore Day and having that sense of community within the firm. I have been impressed with the group’s efforts to champion diversity and inclusion as a central core value and look forward to future events and programming.” Melissa Santiago, Associate, Columbus, OH