Lobbying For Legislation Regarding Brownfield Redevelopment and Property Revitalization
In an effort to redevelop and revitalize properties under the Brownfield Redevelopment Program across the state of Kentucky, we were enlisted by our clients to expedite the passage of multiple bills to address issues that have delayed cleanup...
Implementation of the Kentucky Health Care Exchange
We are currently representing a national trade organization on the legislative and policy issues impacting implementation of the Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange, a program under the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
Updating Legislation for Building and Engineering Standards
Dinsmore worked closely with representatives from the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Board, as well as the Department for Housing, Buildings and Construction and labor interests to lobby for updated legislation related to building and engineering...
Removing Legislative Roadblock to Economic Development
When a national home product sales organization wanted to conduct business in Kentucky, it was realized that Kentucky’s laws were overly-restrictive on that type of business. We were called upon to rectify the situation. After conducting extensive...
Supported Legislation That Addressed Regional Water Infrastructure Planning
When the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority sought to implement a regional planning strategy to improve the delivery of water to rural areas in Kentucky, we were enlisted by interested clients to guide them through the legislation process. We...
Promoting Legislations Addressing the Appropriate Siting Of Merchant Power Plants
When the Kentucky Public Service Commission looked to promote legislation that addressed the siting of merchant power plants in the state, we were called upon to conduct research, prepare testimony and work with sponsors on a bill that enabled the...
Promoting Legislation Addressing Blighted Property Enforcement Strategies
When a municipal client sought legislation to help them address foreclosed and blighted properties, they turned to our professionals. With our assistance, multiple bills have passed that expedite the foreclosure process and provide more authority...
Supporting Anti-Counterfeiting and Consumer Protection Legislation
When a well-respected coalition of businesses wanted to address the practice of selling fraudulently-marketed items, they asked us to lobby for legislation that increased penalties for vendors who market and sell items that are fraudulently...
Supporting Legislation Addressing Contractor Fraud and Abuse
We represented property and casualty insurance groups in their lobbying efforts toward the passage of a bill that provides consumer protection as it relates to contractor fraud and abuse. The bill addresses contractors who solicit business through...